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Company Formation Germany



Company Formation in Dresden

Updated on Thursday 14th December 2017

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Many investors direct their funds to Dresden, as it is an important urban centre in Germany. The incorporation procedures that you must deploy in view of establishing a business in Dresden imply the elaboration of a specific documentation and entering in contact with some offices and authorities. Our experts in company formation in Germany can assist and guide you along this procedure.

Register a company in Dresden

Investors in Germany should go through a set of preliminary steps in view of the opening and registration of their company in this country. The steps of the incorporation of a company in Dresden process consists of the following:
• reserve and receive a confirmation for the name of the company in Dresden; the investors should know that the office that they should address for this step is the Chamber of Industry & Commerce in Dresden;
• address a notary for the elaboration of the incorporation documents containing the memorandum of association;
• find a bank which can accommodate a convenient account for your company;
• submit online all the documentation to the Commercial Register;
• find out whether you must obtain any permits or licenses for the activity that you conduct through your company;
• obtain all necessary approvals relating to health and security insurances for your employees;
• apply for VAT number and clarify the taxation for your company.

Types of companies in Germany 

Opening a company in Germany is a move that many persons find a good business decision. If you are interested in company registration in Germany one of the first things to decide is the structure that your future company is going to have, so that it can respond to your objectives. 
A popular option is the limited liability company (GmbH) which is easy to form and which has the advantage that the capital can be divided into shares.
You may think as well to configure your company as a general partnership (OHG) if you have already a partner with whom you intend to establish your business. Another option which is available for multiple partners is the limited partnership (KG).
The joint stock company (AG) requires a quite large initial capital of minimum EUR 50,000, but allows you to enter the German stock market and gives you limited liability in the corporation’s debts and obligations. 
We kindly invite you to contact our agents in German company formation who can gladly offer more information and assistance regarding the incorporation process and company registration in Dresden

Meet us in Germany

Marco Rössel is a Partner at Liesegang & Partner and an experienced Attorney at Law. He is specialized in commercial and corporate law and can help you open your company in Germany as fast as possible.


Call us now at +49 69 71 67 2 67 0 to set up an appointment with our company formation experts in Germany. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Germany.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local lawyers and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Germany.

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