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Company Formation Germany



Open a Company in the Aviation Sector in Germany

Updated on Saturday 12th May 2018

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Open-a-Company-in-the-Aviation-Sector-in-Germany.jpgThe aviation sector in Germany is composed of a series of air transport services both passenger and cargo and the related activities and can be roughly divided into civil aviation/general aviation and military aviation.  Airlines offer services tailored to the needs of the clients and can be divided into full-service carriers and low-cost carriers.
Investors who wish to open a company in the aviation sector in Germany and have selected a specific business objective and service can then start the usual procedure for company registration in Germany.

Types of services offered by companies in the aviation sector

The aviation industry in Germany has a vital role both in the transport of passenger and cargo and in the country’s economy. Below are five types of services offered by aviation and airlines companies in Germany.
  • general aviation/flight services: includes charter flights that are booked on demand, air patrolling, air ambulance, parachuting and pilot training.
  • civil aviation: all scheduled flights, private and commercial with flight itineraries and schedules; airline companies are included in this category.
  • freight transportation: cargo flights that provide complete freight transport services and observe stricter rules for the transport of various types of items.
  • aircraft manufacturing: Germany has a history of aircraft manufacturing and is a center for civil and defense aviation manufacturing.
Military aviation is also an important sub-sector of the aviation industry, however, this business field is generally under higher restrictions from outside investments. 

How to open a German company that activates in the aviation sector

Companies that offer air transport services are incorporated as per the local laws for company formation in Germany, with a unique business name and having a local registered office.
Some international companies may choose to open a branch in Germany and conduct the regional airline operations from a Germany city.
For more information about German company formation, please contact our team of experts.

Meet us in Germany

Marco Rössel is a Partner at Liesegang & Partner and an experienced Attorney at Law. He is specialized in commercial and corporate law and can help you open your company in Germany as fast as possible.


Call us now at +49 69 71 67 2 67 0 to set up an appointment with our company formation experts in Germany. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Germany.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local lawyers and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Germany.

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