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Company Formation Germany



Open a Publishing Company in Germany

Updated on Thursday 14th December 2017

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Open-a-Publishing-Company-in-Germany.jpgA way to enter the German business market is by establishing a publishing company. The publishing industry is thriving in this country and the projections up to 2020 are showing a stable and developed market. In order to open a company in Germany in this industry, the investors will have to follow the regulations related to the procedures of company formation which are available for commercial companies. This type of business will also require obtaining business permits and our team of company formation representatives in Germany can help foreign businessmen in this process. 


Start a company in Germany  

In order to register a company in Germany, foreign investors will need to respect a set of rules. However, businessmen who are citizens of a member state of the European Union (EU) will be able to set up a company with no restrictions. 
The first aspect related to the procedure of company registration in Germany refers to the legal entity of the future company. This will provide the rights and obligations the investors will have, their liability in respect to the company’s assets and many more. Most of the businesses in Germany are registered as limited liability companies, but there are numerous options which can provide benefits and our team of specialists in company formation can provide more details in this sense. 
It is also important to study the taxation system applicable in Germany. All companies in Germany are required to pay the corporate tax and the Value Added Tax (VAT). Businesses set up in the publishing industry are imposed with a smaller VAT rate, established at 10%, but only for the printed books. At the moment, companies providing e-books are imposed with the regular VAT. 

E-book industry in Germany  

The persons who want to open a German company should know that the local market is very well developed in the field of digital books. Germany has one of the most developed industries at a global level. For example, in 2014, the German digital book industry accounted for EUR 24,8 million. Overall, Germany is the world’s second most important book industry, as more than 25% of the German population reads on a daily basis. 
We invite businessmen interested in setting up a company in the publishing industry to receive more details on this subject from our team of company formation agents in Germany

Meet us in Germany

Marco Rössel is a Partner at Liesegang & Partner and an experienced Attorney at Law. He is specialized in commercial and corporate law and can help you open your company in Germany as fast as possible.


Call us now at +49 69 71 67 2 67 0 to set up an appointment with our company formation experts in Germany. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Germany.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local lawyers and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Germany.

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