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Company Formation Germany



Open a Taxi Company in Germany

Updated on Thursday 14th December 2017

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Open a Taxi Company in Germany

Germany is one of the most advantageous places in Europe where to start a taxi business thanks to the powerful auto sector and to the high quality of the car repairing services. The legislation concerning the establishment of new enterprises in this country is very clear and the government is constantly preoccupied with encouraging foreign investments.  Setting up a company in Germany is not an easy task, even if you're thinking of starting a small or medium sized business, you will still need help from a reliable team of company incorporation experts. 

One of our specialists in company registration in Germany can help investors through the procedure of opening a taxi company in this state.

Aspects not to overlook when setting up your taxi company in Germany

The decision to set-up a taxi company is grounded for many investors in Germany on the fact that this type of enterprise does not require a long training or a specialization in the field of transportation. Depending on the size of the business you have in mind, you can start with only a few cars and drivers or to elaborate a much more complex company, with bigger investments. Your objectives need to be clear because they are key factors for deciding in which type of legal structure you are going to organize your taxi enterprise in Germany.
According to the German Company Law, a working taxi business can be extended after a period of successful functioning in this country and you can even change the type of legal form by addressing the Trade Register in Germany (Handelsregister). Our consultants in German company formation can discuss with you in detail your particular situation and inform you on the local regulations that you need to follow for a safe and correct establishment of your taxi company

Legal provisions regulating the set-up of a taxi business in Germany

The German state is concerned with the protection of the customers and with the safety of the population. These priorities are also reflected in the current legislation concerning the norms for taxi businesses. The importance of taxis and taxi businesses is recognized for the overall quality of the German transportation system. The cab drivers need to be licensed and the taxi company owners need to respect the requirements of the German Employment Law concerning the maximum working hours and resting time of their employees. 
In Germany, the German State Accident Insurance Group (BG Verkehr) introduced special trainings for drivers during which each person can learn how to better comply with the regulations imposed by the German Road Safety Council. If you intend to open a company in Germany in the taxi service sector you can profit of the instruments provided by the state for increasing the safety of this sector. 
Don’t hesitate to contact our specialists in company formation in Germany in order to help you register your taxi company with the German authorities. 

Meet us in Germany

Marco Rössel is a Partner at Liesegang & Partner and an experienced Attorney at Law. He is specialized in commercial and corporate law and can help you open your company in Germany as fast as possible.


Call us now at +49 69 71 67 2 67 0 to set up an appointment with our company formation experts in Germany. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Germany.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local lawyers and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Germany.

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