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Company Formation Germany



Setting up an Electronics Company in Germany

Updated on Thursday 14th December 2017

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Electronics is one of the most fast developing and universally needed technology at the moment. Those who want to set up a business in Germany in this sector can find in this country a suitable working environment, with prestigious tradition in the field and experienced workforce. Our consultants in company formation in Germany can help you implement your project, by advising you on the registration process and legal requirements for starting a company in this country.

Steps for the opening of an electronics company in Germany

In order to set up an electronics company in Germany you will have to follow the steps of company formation in Germany according to the Commercial Law. Our consultants in company incorporation can help you decide on a type of legal structure in which to organize your enterprise. The local legal framework offers the possibility of setting up a company in Germany with a minimum share capital of 25.000 Euro. This company is called Gesellschaftmitbeschränkter Haftung – GmbH and works as a Private Limited Liability Company. There are other types of legal structures as well that can serve you in opening an electronic business in Germany. For example in case your business has only one owner you can choose to start a sole proprietorship, which is the simplest business form in this country.
Another thing to do, when starting an electronics company in Germany, is to ensure the unicity of the name for your company and reserve it to the German Commercial Register. The name should manage to express your companies' area of activity and its representative values.  
Our specialists can help you along the steps of opening a business in Germany by providing assistance with the paperwork elaboration required for the company establishing application. 

Requirements for setting up an electronics company in Germany

If foreign investors want to open an electronics company in Germany, they must elaborate a business plan in which to decide on the types of services they intend to provide to the public. As such you might choose to provide:
  • manufacture services, if you intend to be a provider of electronic components to the market; 
  • design of new components or software;
  • test services, for identifying the bugs in already proposed products;
  • distribution;
  • return/repair services for electronic components;
  • assemblies for original equipment manufacturers.
Depending on the area in which you intend to operate you might need to make sure that you respect the intellectual property legislation. For new components and software you can apply for patent recognition. 
You are invited to contact our experts in German company formation who remain at your disposal with more specialized advice regarding the intellectual property legislation in Germany and the establishing requirements for a business in this country.

Meet us in Germany

Marco Rössel is a Partner at Liesegang & Partner and an experienced Attorney at Law. He is specialized in commercial and corporate law and can help you open your company in Germany as fast as possible.


Call us now at +49 69 71 67 2 67 0 to set up an appointment with our company formation experts in Germany. Alternatively you can incorporate your company without traveling to Germany.

As our client, you will benefit from the joint expertize of local lawyers and international consultants. Together we will be able to offer you the specialized help you require for your business start-up in Germany.

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